Sunday, January 22, 2012

Hello all fellow Azerothian's. I've been inspired to create my own blog to share whatever knowledge I can about the World of Warcraft economy and auction house tips and tricks. I'll also be sharing all the ways and practices I've been using to make gold in the game.

I was inspired to begin this blog after reading and learning from some of the best such as Power Word Gold & The Mogfather and many more to mention in my first post.

A little about my "toons". I have two level 85 characters with (Enchanting, Tailoring) & (Herbalism, Alchemy). I have 2 bank alts both level 1's on the two factions on my realm. I also have various other characters that are of no relevance as of now but I have big plans for those too! Let me make one thing clear, if you are here to learn from Bill Gates you would be better off to check some other blogs and guides out. I am not a WoW millionaire. In all honesty I only have about 105,000g to my entire account. It would be much more but I'm a compulsive spender and horader (hey we all have vices, at least I don't sit in the bar in Silvermoon and drink virtual whiskey!) and if I see it and want it I usually grab it. But neway tips and tricks is the name of the game so without further delay...

Working The Auction House Like a Pro 

  1. The very first piece of advice I can give you is to get Auctionator, Auctioneer, and Trade Skill Master. These 3 addons are worth their weight in WoW gold without a doubt. I couldn't imagine being a greedy goblin without them.
  2. Undercutting: Do you want people to buy your items first? Of course you do! Now before I go further let me state that there are certain circumstances where undercutting isn't called for and when the time comes we'll talk about that but for now I'm going to teach you how to Undercut if you don't already know. If you want to place an item on the Auction House and there is already one listed you ideally want your item to sell before the competitors correct? If so there are two ways to go about this. I will typically list my item for 1c less than my competitor so that my item appears first. Buyers see my item listed first on their list and make the purchase based on where it is located on the screen.
  3. My last point in this first post is also on the subject of undercutting..... If there is say an inferno ruby listed for 230g and you want to sell one then list yours for 229g 99s 99c or 229g or even 225g but for the love of God please don't list it for 195g. You are not only costing yourself gold but all others in the market will lose gold as well over the long run due to the fact that you are driving the price point down (again there are times to drive it down) which is a bad thing for all yourself included.
In conclusion I know this wasn't much of a post and most (if not all) that will read this already know all of the things I've talked about and there will be more in depth posts on a wide variety of things to come in the future but until I figure out how to write a blog instead of just doing the things I do in game this is the best I can do for now.

In upcoming days and weeks we will talk Tailoring, Enchanting, Flasks and Transmog.

To get yourself a head start on the transmog check out Keelhaul's Mogging lists on The Hatchery. The man is a genius.

Until next time. This is Audem Gold signing off........ Profit??


  1. Good luck with the blog, if you have any questions just holler.


  2. I will Alto. Still not much on Html or anything like that. But I'm sure I'll learn in the weeks and months to come. Thank You For Stopping By.
